I learned about opportunity

Name: Leon Rudanycz | Program: B.A.Sc. (Civil Engineering) | Graduation Year: 7T8 |

…You will almost never regret the opportunities that you take advantage of but you will almost always regret the ones you do not.  Staying in touch with your classmates, friends and others you come across as you go through life is very important as everyone has something valuable to share with you, and you with them, even though you may not think so at the time… The more you are ‘out there’ the more you will find opportunities present themselves… Don’t look at every opportunity as a ‘be-all and end-all’.  My best career successes came from taking an opportunity that led to another one and yet another one which put me in a place I could never have imagined in the beginning when I took advantage of the first opportunity.

Lastly, think big, think anything is possible and shoot for your goals. If you don’t you can never score, and that goes for many aspects of life!

Good luck!