Alumni and Engineering Society (EngSoc) members mixed, mingled and celebrated another year of engineering excellence at the 2015 Skule™ Heritage and Engineering Society Awards. The reception was held March 23 at the University of Toronto’s Faculty Club.
“Students who volunteer their time and effort for Engineering Society roles are students who truly care about improving the student experience,” said Sonia De Buglio, U of T Engineering’s director of alumni relations and annual giving. “We thought there would be great mentorship value in uniting the students with alumni who were formerly in their roles. We are so fortunate to have such a rich and nurturing Skule™ community.”
Throughout the course of Canada’s history, students and alumni from the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering have made significant contributions to their communities through excellent leadership and philanthropy.
For every building that successfully goes up, for every airplane that takes flight, for every community that receives power in frigid weather, there is a committed engineer working behind the scenes. In the profession, there is duty, honour and integrity, and cold iron is the engineer’s reminder of that responsibility.
The role of an engineer carries a great deal of meaning, and the Skule™ community has played a significant part in developing of some of Canada’s greatest engineers, many of whom joined us for a special night of recognition.
See photos from the event.
— Teresa Nguyen
Teresa Nguyen (CivE 1T4 + PEY) is president of the Engineering Society.