Engineering Alumni News

Historic $130-million gift to establish the Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research

By | November 20, 2014

Largest private donation in Canadian health care history will bring together the strengths of SickKids, UHN and U of T in personalized genomic medicine, tissue engineering and advanced cardiac care to address heart failure across the lifespan.

MSE alumni inspire next generation of U of T engineers

By | November 20, 2014

Young materials science alumni provide current U of T Engineering undergraduate and graduate students insights into the workforce.

Engineering grad to watch: astronaut for hire Aaron Persad

By | November 20, 2014

For Aaron Persad (EngSci 0T6, MechE MASc 1T1, PhD 1T4) “reach for the stars” is far more than a clichéd phrase on a graduation card.

Celebrating U of T Engineering’s latest grads [PHOTO GALLERY]

By | November 20, 2014

On November 18, Twenty undergraduate and 366 graduate students made their way across the stage at Convocation Hall to receive their engineering degrees.

U of T Engineering records banner fundraising year

By | November 19, 2014

Alumni, students, faculty and friends from around the world continue to rally behind U of T Engineering’s ambitious $200-million Boundless campaign goal.

Engineering grad to watch: city builder William Luo

By | November 19, 2014

William Luo graduated with a master’s in civil engineering—one of 386 engineering students who received a degree this fall.

Skulematters Magazine Archive
