Gerson, Frederick T.

4T7 Metallurgy 
Inducted: 1995 

Through a 35-year career as a consulting professional engineer, Ted Gerson has contributed significantly to the well-being of the metallurgical industry, notably through advice and reports on products, processes and manufacturing in plastics and non-ferrous metals, with emphasis on recycling, waste reduction and environmental protection.

Ted Gerson’s education began in England and continued at the University of Toronto (interrupted by service in the Canadian Army, 1943-1945). After graduation, he proceeded to further studies in Cambridge, later becoming R&D manager at John Dale Ltd., London, England. Upon returning to Canada, he set up and managed the firm’s container-manufacturing operations in Ontario.

In 1960, building on 13 years of research and industrial management, Ted Gerson launched his successful consulting career. The clients of F.T. Gerson Ltd. include several governments as well as more than a hundred private sector firms. Ted has been generous with his contributions of papers and speeches for the Canadian Association of Recycling Industries, the Society of Plastics Engineers Inc. and the Canadian Plastics Institute, among others.


  • Pioneered engineering contributions to the more efficient use of resources and reduced environmental impact from the production of non-ferrous metals and plastics
  • Governor of the Canadian Plastics Institute (1995-98)
  • Past Chairman of the Professional Development Committee and Communications Committee of the PEO
  • Past President of the Engineering Alumni Association
  • Alumnus member of the Council of the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering (Arbor Award, 1992)
  • Encouragement to thousands of engineering undergraduates through his prominent involvement in the Iron Ring Ceremony
  • A wide-ranging engineering consultant in tune with the times and contributing to the long-term survival of our planet