
Name: Brian Clark | Program: Industrial Engineering | Graduation Year: 7T0 |

I’m seventy-three years old. Here’s what I know…

Workplace — If you do not enjoy going to work each day, then you are in the wrong job. Make a move sooner rather than later. Find a job that you enjoy and it is no longer ‘work.’

Outside the Workplace — Your career will provide funding for life’s necessities (food, shelter, clothing, etc.). But it is also essential for you to find outside interests that feed your ‘head’ (e.g., continuing education, a hobby, research, travel, etc.) and also your ‘heart’ (e.g., working at a food bank, volunteering at your place of worship, tutoring and mentoring youngsters, etc.)

Strive for a balance between a happy job, a healthy mind and a contribution to society. I promise you will sleep well, live well and love well. Good luck out there…