
Name: Xavier Tang | Program: Industrial | Graduation Year: 0T9 PEY |

I’m lucky enough to have led a career and personal life that has balanced each other well so far. Probably more inadvertently than consciously, I think I’ve managed to work hard when it was needed and gave myself permission to ”let off the gas” when I could.  When I reflect on those around me, my peers, colleagues, and acquaintances, the people who are both successful in their careers and personally fulfilled are those that have managed to strike this balance. Otherwise, at some point you start to question what you’re doing all of this for.

Don’t get me wrong. Work harder than others. Set ambitious goals. Take risks. Have 16 hour work days, when it’s necessary. Just never forget to enjoy the journey and never take yourself and others too seriously. You’re a U of T Engineer.  You will do well in the world if you try a little. You will change the world if you try a lot.  You’ll also be useless if you burn out. Life isn’t a 4 year degree or sprint.  Chances are you’ll be doing your best work 10, 20 years from now.