The Centennial Campaign for CAMP aims to raise $1.5 million to undertake much-needed renovations, repairs and expansion to the site. These comprehensive upgrades will be in keeping with the rustic tradition that makes CAMP unique, preserving the site’s rich 100-year history while also serving the needs of a changing student population and educational landscape. All gifts to CAMP will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $750,000, by the University of Toronto.
Kristin Philpot
Associate Director, Development
Annual & Leadership Giving
Phone +1 (416) 557-8367
Gull Lake is home to the University of Toronto’s CAMP (Civil and Mineral Practicals), a multi-week field educational program that challenges Engineering students to overcome the adversity of unpredictable, real-world field situations.
Located 200 kilometres north of Toronto in Minden, Ontario, this unique site welcomes hundreds of students each year, providing them with the opportunity to develop important engineering and team-building skills.
Many will remember this Skule tradition as Survey Camp. While surveying remains an important component of the program, the CAMP experience is now about so much more. The program has a renewed focus on environmental, social and economic sustainability to better prepare our students to take their place among the world’s engineering leaders as champions of change and stewards of our planet. The curriculum incorporates elements that relate to geology, hydrology, water treatment, woodlot management and sustainable energy systems. This new vision bridges the second- and third-year curricula with learning outcomes that challenge students to practice and embrace what they have learned.
We also offer a three-day orientation course during second year that examines city, suburban and rural applications of civil engineering. Students spend one day and one night at camp, learning how urban infrastructure mimics natural systems, and generating excitement for their upcoming CAMP experience.
While the curriculum has evolved, what remains the same is the life-changing experience our students and alumni remember so fondly.
Quick Links:
Project Overview

CAMP is a beloved and integral part of every Civil and Mineral Engineering student’s education. For nearly 100 years, the CAMP Program has provided a journey of self-discovery, connections with others, and a creative, innovative environment that complements conventional classroom learning with hands-on experience, enabling students to engage in collaborative exercises to solve challenging engineering problems.
Since the inaugural camp in September 1920, nearly 8,000 students have walked the trails of CAMP at either our Dorset or Gull Lake facilities. Today, as many as 200 Civil and Mineral Engineering students participate in CAMP each year – far more than our CAMP founders ever imagined!
With the support of generous benefactors, U of T has undertaken a series of renovations to maintain the facilities. However, with crumbling foundations, storm-damaged buildings and insufficient water/waste infrastructure, the camp is in need of a comprehensive upgrade and expansion – both to restore the historic structures and to accommodate our growing needs.
The Centennial Campaign for CAMP aims to raise $1.5 million to address these challenges. The project will both honour the history of CAMP and make the most of modern engineering wisdom.
When complete, this $1.5M campaign will:
Relieve pressure on the growing program by accommodating the larger class sizes;
Free up space in the historic bunkhouse for use as additional teaching, learning, working and social space;
Protect and preserve the existing buildings and infrastructure to ensure they continue to serve the needs of the Faculty long into the future;
Provide greater accommodation privacy for female students (now totalling 40% of incoming students) and ever-more diverse student population;
Provide a “living lab” for research initiatives and other educational programs during non-CAMP season.
Matching Opportunity
Double the impact of your gift: the University of Toronto has shown its commitment to the Centennial Campaign for CAMP by offering a generous matching opportunity. All gifts to CAMP will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $750,000, by the University of Toronto.
Progress Updates
September 10, 2019 - Take a look inside the new bunkhouse and common room at Survey Camp
September 11, 2019 - Survey Camp Centennial: CAMP100
July 28, 2020 - Survey Camp construction underway
November 10, 2020 - New Chair of RCCAO has strong CivMin ties
November 30, 2020 - Survey Camp update: November construction progress
February 2, 2021 - Surveying Survey Camp: The Repairs, Renovations and Expansion of Gull Lake
August 10, 2021 - Survey Camp set to open and showcase newly built facilities
August 16, 2021 - Camp hosts the first in-person Engineering classes after 17-month
August 20, 2021 - Introducing Camps newest facilities
August 24, 2021 - A cast of many to plan and run U of T Camp
March 21, 2022 - New Bunk House: Virtual Unveiling Event
Support CAMP!
If you loved CAMP, and want to ensure it provides future generations of engineering students with a once-in-a-lifetime educational experience, please give generously to the Campaign for CAMP. Through private philanthropic support, alumni and friends have an opportunity to ‘make their mark’ on camp.
Name an interior bench
Name a bunkbed
Online recognition
Every gift matters
Ways to Give
Donate online:
Phone: 416-557-8367
Mail or visit: University of Toronto, Engineering (55 St. George Street, Room 670, Toronto, ON M5S 0C9)
Gift of Stock: Donating appreciated securities, such as stock or mutual funds, is a tax-wise approach to support the Campaign for CAMP. Contact us for detailed information.
Monthly Giving: Show your support to CAMP year-round by signing up as a monthly donor.
Class & Group Giving : Establishing your own group mini-campaign is great way to maximize your philanthropy and make a bold statement about the importance of CAMP. Ask us about setting up a class, family or company campaign. We’ll work with you to bolster your efforts and recognize your group.
Our Supporters
Special thanks to everyone who has contributed to the CAMP campaign:
CAMP Instructors – Iron Bars
Classes of Civil 6T0–6T5 Campaign for
Class of Civil 6T8 for CAMP
Class of Civil 8T0 Campaign for CAMP
Class of 0T3 Engineering
Kirk M. Allan, 8T2
Donald I. Amos, 5T8
Anonymous (multiple)
Michael Aresta, 1T7
The Association of Ontario Land Surveyors
John Bajc, 8T2
John Donald Barber, 6T2
Jeffrey Barker, 6T9
Robert A. Beattie, 5T2
Ronald W. Bell, 6T9
Wayne M. Bennett, 6T9
Evan Charles Bentz, 0T0
Andrew Bertolo, 6T9
Devon G. and Linda J. Biddle, 6T7
John A Bond, 6T8
Dawn Britton
Kenneth R. Brown, 6T9
Ronald Brown, 6T9
David C. Brownlow, 5T6
Tom Bunker, 7T0
Buttcon Limited
Brian Carter, 6T1
John Challis, 5T1
Arun Channan, 8T0
So Ming Iris Chiang, 0T0
Barbara & Bruce Chown, 5T5
Michael Circelli, 8T3
Michael Cook, 6T3
Ralph Peter Cowan, 6T8
Richard J. J. Daigle, 6T9
Ivan Damnjanovic, 1T5
Michael den Hoed, 7T5
Steve Patrick Dennis, 9T9
Vanessa M. Di Battista, 1T2
Peter F. Di Lullo, 7T8
Michael Diakun, 7T5
Gregory Dimmer, 8T3
Brian J. Doherty, 8T0
Paul Gordon Douglas, 7T8
Dana Drmanic, 9T9
Henry N. Edamura, 6T0
T. Eklund, 6T0
Marie-Anne Erki, 8T0
EXP Services Inc
James K. Farquharson, 7T7
Leslie D. Ferguson, 0T0
Douglas P. Flint, 5T6
Hugh Fraser, 8T0
Wayne S Gibson, 8T3
Arousha Gilanpour, 9T5
Indi Gopinathan, 9T6
David J Grabel, 0T0
Gordon Gracie, 5T2
Sheri Graham, 9T1
Donald H. Grandy, 8T4
David H Gray, 6T8
Mary-Louise Griffiths, 5T1
Gull Lake Cottagers’ Association
Peter Halsall, 7T7
The Heavy Construction Association of
Toronto (HCAT)
Walter J. Hendry, 6T0
Barry Hitchcock, 5T8
Alvin Ho, 9T8
Vera Y Kan, 0T0
William P Kauppinen, 6T8
Leslie & Margaret Kende 6T0
Kingslea Developments Limited
Gary Kirstine, 6T9
Allan M. Koivu, 8T6
Tetsuo G Kumagai, 6T8
Indulis Kulniek, 6T9
Anthony Lanni, 6T9
Ross Lawrence, 5T6
Art Leitch, 6T9
Brian Levitt, 6T9
Yiu Chung Li, 6T3
Michael Loudon, 6T6
Terrence MacDougall, 6T9
Robert MacGillivray, 8T5
Scott MacGillivray, 8T2
John R. MacInnis, 6T5
Alexander Macklin, 5T5
Hugh & Sharon Macklin
Jennifer Macklin Joyce & Family
Mateen Mahboubi, 0T7
Peter J. Manna, 9T4
Bill Mardimae, 6T9
Orlando Martini, 5T6
Levana Mattacchione, 1T3
Brenda McCabe, 9T4
Lloyd McCoomb, 6T8
Lisa McGeorge, 8T9
Malcolm McGrath, 5T4
Robert McQuillan, 5T0
Andrew M. Yu, 6T9
Donald Meades, 6T1
Joel Miller, 6T5
Laura Miller
Seyed Kasra Modares Zamani, 1T6
Model Railings & Ironworks Inc.
Ricky Junji Mori, 6T8
Peter J. W. Morris, 6T9
Maureen and Robert Mountjoy, 7T5
Loui Pappas, 8T8
Ronald D. Pau, 8T6
PCL Constructors Canada Inc.
Kristin Philpot
Robert Piggott, 5T7
Victor Piscione, 7T5
William Pratt, 6T9
Harold F. Reinthaler, 7T7
Peter and Michelle Rhodes, 6T7
Sidney Richardson, 5T1
John H. & Norma Rogers 3T9
Glenn L. Rogers
Matthew J. Roorda
Gary T Sawayama, 6T9
Steve Schibuola, 8T6
Kenneth Selby, 5T7
Senior Women Academic Administrators of Canada
Simpson Family
Brent Sleep
Amir Hossein Soltanzadeh, 9T5
John Starkey, 6T1
Kayla Louise Steadman, 1T8
D Wayne Stiver, 8T0
Arih P. Struger-Kalkman, 0T8
Selvarajah Sureshan, 9T1
Michael V. Thompson, 6T1
Sujitlal Thottarath, 0T6
Louis J. Tilatti, 7T8
Larry Tricinci, 8T8
Matthew Tsiaras, 1T6
Andrew S. Turner, 8T8
F. G. VanDusen, 7T2
John Vinklers, 6T6
Paul Walters, 5T6
Nicholas Walker, 6T5
Arthur H. Watson, 7T5
Glen A. Weaver, 5T2
Gabriel Wolofsky, 1T7
Gary J. Woolgar, 6T1
James W. Wyse, 6T1
Wilson Yip, 1T0
Seyed Kasra Modares Zamani, 1T6
Edward J Zavitski, 6T1
Ann P. Zimmerman
Victor N. Zubacs, 6T9