Don’t be afraid to try new things

Name: Vincent Pun | Program: Engineering Science | Graduation Year: 9T9 PEY |

My message to my younger self and to the graduating class is, do not be afraid to try new things especially when you are just graduating. I was offered a job to return to the company I had my PEY at, but decided to apply to other jobs. Eventually that led me to new opportunities in Boston where I made friends and had experiences that I would cherish for the rest of my life.
There were also opportunities missed because I was too comfortable or did not want to lose the job or person I already had. Although I have been given the opportunity to change my career path due to being laid off twice,  I did not take this chance to significantly pursue the path I have deeper passion for early on. This has left me labeled as only good for certain work. So don’t be afraid to seek out more interesting assignments especially at the start of your career whether it be in your existing job or outside because the benefit of finding your passions far outweigh the possibility of failure. Of course this does not only apply to the workplace, but in personal relationships and institutional alignment also.
Finally I wish you all the success as you venture out in a truly new world with extraordinary problems to solve which should excite and unite all of you as apart of the 2020 engineering graduating class.