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Hong Kong: Bi-Annual General Meeting

January 5, 2025 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

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All University of Toronto Engineering alumni residing in Hong Kong and Macau are invited to the Bi-Annual General Meeting (BGM) of the Hong Kong Engineering Alumni Association.  

This year’s highlight is a special ‘State of the Skule’ address by U of T Engineering Dean Chris Yip, who will share exciting updates from campus and recent faculty achievements. Following his talk, Dean Yip will host a brief Q&A session. 

Date: Sunday, January 5, 2025
Time: 5:00 pm (BGM) / 5:30 pm (address by Dean Yip)
Mode: Hybrid
Venue: Two IFC, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong (actual address will be sent to registered alumni a few days before the event)
Zoom link: The link will be sent to registered alumni a few days before the event
Contact: uteaahk@gmail.com

Bi-Annual General Meeting Agenda:

  1. Adopt the Agenda
  2. Adopt the Minutes of the last BGM
  3. President’s Report
  4. Financial Report
  5. Election of new President
  6. Election of new Executive Committee cabinet *
  7. Any other business

The Minutes of the last BGM and the Financial Report will be shared prior to the meeting.

* Nomination of new Executive Committee members:

  • All University of Toronto Engineering Alumni residing in Hong Kong are automatically considered Ordinary Members of UTEAA(HK) and are eligible to run for office on the Committee.
  • For the nomination procedure, please click here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Byn1IIfeO5PD4q1hXiMbWOw0TfPKuTmB/ (@Sonia please use button instead of URL if possible)
  • All nominations must be received by 5:00 pm Hong Kong time on 02 January 2025 (Friday)

Discover your Global Alumni Ambassadors (GAA) around the world—visit our GAA site for more details!

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Event Details





January 5, 2025
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

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