Electronics in action with ECE students

Myhal Centre for Engineering Innovation & Entrepreneurship 55 St. George Street, Toronto, Canada

Join the Electrical and Computer Engineering students as they demo technology created for a software-defined radio. Press a button and twirl a knob on a user interface printed circuit board that was built by engineering undergraduates. Location: Myhal, MY435

EWB’s System Change Workshop

At EWB, we believe in addressing the root causes of social issues. To understand issues at their core, we need to consider the stakeholders involved, their interactions, and their impacts on the system. At EWB’s system change workshop, participants will explore a case study on a topical social issue. Location: Myhal, 430 Hosted by: Engineers […]

The Power of AI

Myhal Centre for Engineering Innovation & Entrepreneurship 55 St. George Street, Toronto, Canada

Join the UTMIST team as they showcase their work in the field of machine learning - showing project demos and computing results. We aim to introduce the power and impact of AI to all types of problems, industries, and disciplines to inspire more prospective researchers. Location: Myhal, MY490 Hosted by: University of Toronto Machine Intelligence […]

Tour the new Engineering Career Centre!

We welcome U of T Engineering community members to our brand new Engineering Career Centre! Come and tour our space within U of T's Experiential Learning Commons! Tours run every 30 minutes, starting at 10:30 am with the last tour at 1:30 PM  Location: Experiential Learning Commons, 3rd Floor

Tour at KITE

Explore a cutting-edge rehabilitation R&D center, pioneering treatments and tech for those recovering from disabling injuries or illnesses. Visit our groundbreaking underground lab with the world's first hydraulic motion simulator, recreating weather and terrain conditions. Tour healthcare and home environment labs for precise real-world challenge measurement. These labs assess the impact of innovations developed at […]

Engineering Campus Walking Tour

Bahen Centre 40 St George St, Toronto, Ontario

Join us for a 30-minute tour led by a current U of T student and see key locations, facilities, and Engineering community spaces on campus. From 10:30AM to 1:30PM. Tours depart every 15 minutes. Location: Bahen Centre, Lobby

Tour ChemE’s state-of-the-art Unit Operations Laboratory

Wallberg Building, Room 125 Wallberg Memorial Bldg, 184 College St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The Unit Operations Laboratory (UOL), is a state-of-the-art facility located in the Wallberg Building. It is core to the undergraduate program in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, providing students with practical, hands-on experience on an industry-relevant scale. Tour this space to learn more about this one-of-a-kind lab and all it has to […]

Bold Ideas Lecture with Prof. Emily Moore “Transforming Engineering Education at U of T”

Myhal Centre for Engineering Innovation & Entrepreneurship 55 St. George Street, Toronto, Canada

The 21st century engineer requires a wide range of skills that will equip them to address the complex issues of a rapidly changing world. Professor Moore will explore how engineering practice is changing, and how engineering education is transforming to develop engineers with both technical depth and leadership breadth. Time: 11:00AM Location: Myhal, MY150

Tour of TBEP

Showcasing lab spaces that specialize in cardiovascular research at the Translational Biology and Engineering Program (TBEP). TBEP is a world-class centre for discovery and innovation that blends engineering and medicine, at the Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research and University of Toronto. Tours are 30 minutes, Limited Capacity. TBEP staff will meet guests in the […]

A History of Admission & Recruitment at the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering

Join the Director of the Engineering Student Recruitment & Retention Office alongside Faculty experts as they discuss the history of admissions and recruitment at U of T Engineering. Time: 11:30 AM Location: Bahen, BA1170 Hosted by: Engineering Student Recruitment & Retention Office discover.engineering.utoronto.ca