Hendrick, Keith Coleman

4T7 Mechanical 
Inducted: 1995 

Keith Hendrick’s scholastic and athletic potential brought him top honours as an undergraduate in studies and sports, (BAAS Medal, SAC Honour Award, Bronze “S”) and degrees in Engineering Science and in Philosophy, Politics and Economics as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford.

This path led to achievement in the efficient production and use of metals, and in commodity marketing internationally in North America, United Kingdom, Europe, Australia and the Far East.

After beginning his career with Union Carbide, Keith Hendrick joined the Noranda Group in 1953, rising to the highest level as chairman of Noranda Minerals.


  • Keith Hendrick’s leadership skills gave valuable direction to a number of organizations:  Kerr-Addison Mines, Hemlo Gold Mines, Brenda Mines, Chemical Bank of Canada, Council for Business and Arts in Canada, General Accident Assurance Company of Canada, the Gold Institute, International Copper Association, Brunswick Mining and Smelting Corporation, Falconbridge Mines, the Zinc Institute, International Lead Zinc Research Association, John Labatt Ltd., the Canadian export Association, the Canadian Mining Association, International Council on Metals and the Environment, Canada Wire and Cable Co., among others
  • His accomplishments also include being director of the Centre for Resource Studies at Queen’s University, a member of the Governing Council of the University of Toronto, and president of the Art Gallery of Ontario
  • Professional memberships include:  Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and Petroleum, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, APEO
  • An Engineer whose chemistry worked wonders outside the test tube, with outstanding contributions to the primary industries of Canada