It’s never too early to start networking!

Name: Kendrick Lo | Program: Engineering Science | Graduation Year: 9T4 |

What advice would I have given my younger self at graduation, knowing what I know now? That’s an easy one… start networking!  There’s a very old saying: “No man is an island”… Few people succeed in the working world without the help of others. Put the time into building a supportive network and you’ll improve your chances of achieving your career goals!

Some of you might be thinking: “Oh I’m bad at networking” or “I don’t know where to start” or “I’m too shy to network”. I understand that feeling well. I, myself, am rather introverted. When I was younger, the idea of attending some group gathering, making small chat with random strangers, and exchanging business cards… Ugh. Super awkward! I thought that was what networking required, and I just couldn’t get myself to do it.

But it wasn’t until much later that I learned there really are no rules, no one right way to build a network. You just have to find an approach that works for you.

Here’s an idea: Find a cause you believe in, or a community that you support, and think about ways that you can take a leadership role and GIVE BACK! Maybe it’s helping out high school students thinking about applying to engineering, or first years in your program that could use a mentor. Perhaps it’s being involved in a sports or community organization, or volunteering in a cause related to your area of study. By helping others, you’ll have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others while forming genuine connections.

Starting to build a network can really be that simple! Take advantages of networking tools like Engineering CONNECT or LinkedIn to keep track of professional contacts you’ve made and what they’re up to!

Good networking does take work though. You’ll need to remain open to continuing to help out those in your network. And those that you’ve helped out should be encouraged to pay it forward. Before you know it you’ll be steadily growing your network, just by encouraging and inspiring others and by doing things you love!

Congrats 2T0 grads on your amazing achievement!