Know yourself

Name: Ian Po | Program: Engineering Science | Graduation Year: 8T1 |

Dear Graduates:

As you embark upon a new chapter of your life, approach it with enthusiasm, hope and enjoyment. While the future may be uncertain and challenging, it also promises experience and reward. No one graduating class is more or less fortunate than any other ones. You have been well-trained and you are ready to take on new challenges, may it be the work force or graduate studies.

Many engineers have chosen careers ultimately unrelated to traditional engineering field like electrical, mechanical or chemical. I am a good example of that. After 4 years of engineering work upon graduation, I have been in the financial and investment field ever since.

Yet, engineering training taught me how to problem-solve and gave me the foundation of endurance and ethics, which was some of the most important skills that allowed me to succeed in my career and that will also apply to all of you.

Good luck and stay safe.