Augmented reality startup ModiFace is investing $4 million to create new undergraduate and graduate student internships, and to support leading research at U of T Engineering.
The company, founded by alumnus and professor Parham Aarabi of The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, uses augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) to build advanced facial visualization software for the beauty and medical industries. ModiFace technology powers over 100 AR applications by Fortune 500 brands including Sephora, L’Oreal, Allergan, Vichy and Clairol, among others.
“The future of ModiFace is highly dependent on our access to the best AR engineers in the world,” Aarabi said. “For AR, it takes about a year for a new graduate to get up to speed with the latest concepts in artificial intelligence, systems engineering, and computer vision. As a result, we want to invest in students early, while they’re still in school, to start giving them the best training in these fast-moving fields.”
Read the full story on U of T Engineering News.