Dana Kokoska

Dana Kokoska is a recent Electrical Engineering graduate with a passion for art. During her time at the University of Toronto, she was active in the Skule community in various roles that were art focused. She started off doing graphic design for the F!rosh Handbook, Hi-Skule and You’re Next Career Network. She quickly found a love for photography and started photographing iconic Skule events such as Iron Ring and Godiva Week, as well as student portraits for the photoblog “Humans of Skule”. In her final year of school she was the Master Animator for Skule Nite, and began her own small art business Daydreamy Design. Dana was constantly using her passion for art to motivate others, and actively taught her peers about graphic design and photography. She loved showing her fellow students how enjoyable art and photography is, and helped them see that they can destress from their busy school schedule using art.