Jonathan Asmis

When did you graduate from U of T Engineering, and what department did you graduate from? 

EngSci 0T8+PEY

What position do you currently hold?

Management Consultant, Global Strategy Practice, Accenture Inc.

What industry are you currently involved in, and what do you find compelling/interesting about it?

I have been lucky to have had the privilege of working across a number of industries including telecommunications, fashion retail, and most recently healthcare.  Every industry presents its own unique challenges, and the variety keeps it extremely interesting.  Thankfully, U of T Engineering prepared me to adapt quickly to new problems and know where to go for help.

Why do you feel alumni involvement is important?

Every top school in the world knows that its success is inextricably linked with the success of its alumni.  The best schools though know that having successful alumni is not enough; having those alumni come back and share their experiences with the school can only improve faculty programs.

Why do you think being a member of the Engineering Alumni Association (EAA) is important?

Being a member of the EAA instantly gives you access to a network of incredibly successful engineers, business people, artists, entrepreneurs and more.  This network can be just as valuable to you as your degree.  Whether you are looking for some career advice, looking to switch industries, looking to go back to school or anything else, there are Skulemates who have gone through the same process.  Be sure to reach out!

What advice do you have for students that are about to graduate?

Seek out those who have walked your path before.  Having mentors and role models is a sure-fire way of avoiding common mistakes, setting yourself up for success and accelerating your career.  Also, never underestimate the power of your professional network.  Seek out activities that will keep nurturing and expanding your network (including volunteering with the faculty).  Generally these volunteer activities will allow you to work above the level of responsibility that you get in entry level positions.  These experiences will also help you move quickly through your career.

Why should alumni consider becoming involved in Faculty life as members of the EAA?

I find that getting involved in the faculty is a great way of giving back to an institution that has been responsible for so much of my success.  But it’s not all altruistic; as mentioned earlier, getting involved in the faculty is a great way of finding mentors and role models, as well as building your professional network.