Thomson, Thomas Kennard

CE, DSc, PEng 
1886 Civil Diploma 
Inducted: 1977

Thomas Kennard Thomson was one of the world’s great consulting engineers. As a student, he was instrumental in founding the Engineering Society at SPS. He gained experience on bridge and tunnel Engineering in Canada and the United States, and by 1893 he became Chief Engineer of Arthur McMullen and Company of New York City.

During his long and productive life, his counsel was wisely sought by public bodies, such as the New York Barge Canal Authority. Many structures, bridges and tunnels in the Manhattan area remain as his memorial. He was Consulting Engineer for the design of the pneumatic foundation of the Singer building in New York City.

Thomson was the author of handbooks, or sections of them, and was an early reference authority on caissons when applied to foundations.


  • Contributed greatly to development of New York
  • Specialized in design of pneumatic caissons
  • Consulting engineer in construction of over twenty New York skyscrapers