Time: your only constant

Name: Viken Koukounian | Program: Mechanical | Graduation Year: 1T2 PEY |

You are correct–the title could not be more cliché.

In life, the only absolute constant is time. It is an independent variable about which ‘we’ function. It is in realizing this fact, that we are able to rationalize that being aware of “it” is “a” key to being happy in the future. And so, I cannot emphasize enough, ‘capture each opportunity’.

Life brings each of us a unique combination of experiences, stresses, fortunes, etc. and inevitably, we will be torn when facing difficult decisions. When those times come, accept my perspective: “Seldom in life are decisions ‘right’ or ‘wrong’; often only ‘good’ or ‘better’.” Be PROACTIVE with your decisions. Others will make your decisions for you, and those moments may return to you later in life as regrets.

‘Time waits for no one’. Take advantage of every opportunity, every moment–every experience. And as you graduate from one of the most respected engineering schools in the world, accept that you could not be more prepared to CAPTURE every opportunity that comes your way, simply that you must now be PROACTIVE.