Celebrate 100 years of Skule Nite, the annual musical and sketch comedy revue created, produced and executed entirely by U of T Engineering students. Since the overwhelming success of its first show “Ngynyrs in SPaSms” in 1921, Skule Nite has continued to entertain audiences. Join us in the festivities as we mark this incredible milestone!
Keep the laughter alive for another 100 years!
Celebrate a century of Skule Nite by supporting the next generation of talented pranksters, questionable playwrights, technical wizards and musical marvels. Keep our beloved tradition thriving and give generously to one (or both) of our new initiatives: The Skule Nite Award and The Skule Nite Fund.

Scroll down Skule Nite Memory Lane
Did you know a ticket to Skule Nite 3T7 cost $1.50?! The Skule Nite online exhibit has everything you wanted to know (and didn’t know you want to know). Browse through 100 years of Skule Nite history and explore programs, photos, cast stories and more… even a behind-the-scenes documentary!
Host a Skule Nite Retro Party!
Step back in time and relive your Skule Nite! We have lots of past Skule Nite productions that are digitalized for your viewing pleasure. Get together with cast and crew mates to watch your show and enjoy the soaring scores, skits, bloopers and more! Contact the Alumni Relations team to learn how you can host a virtual viewing party.
Thank you to our generous Skule Nite donors!
Production Row (Gifts of $5,000+)
Michael Nettleton, Ind 8T2
Mat Szeto, ECE 0T3+1
Rob West, Chem 8T1
Skule Nite Legend (Gifts of $1,921 - $4,999)
Tiffany Conroy, EngSci 0T2
Ines Fernandez Valdivieso, Ind 0T9+PEY & Xavier Tang, Ind 0T9+PEY
Seong Gooi, Mech 7T2, MEng Mech 7T5
Alex Hatz, ECE 9T4
Alexander Kung, Mech 8T8
Karri Paradi, Ind 9T4
Skule Nite Fossil (Gifts of $1,000 - $1920)
Paul Cochrane, Mech 8T3
Christopher Colohan, Comp 9T7
James Domine, EngSci 9T4
Lynette Hines, Mech 8T5
Matthew Lenner, Comp 0T1
Daniel Marquez, Ind 0T8+1
Gary McNally, Chem 6T7
Jim Podolak, Civil 7T5
Daryn Thompson, ElecE 8T8
Christiaan Vandergrift, Mech 0T4
Skule Nite Flunky (Gifts of $100 - $999)
Frank Ahlin, Civil 7T4, MASc Civil 7T9
Hasan Alkabeer, Chem 1T0
Naveen Aggarwal
Peter Aimone, Elec 7T4
Clifford Alexander, Chem 8T5
John Amadio
Alex Ariza, EngSci 0T9, MASc Civil 1T1
Stephen Baxter, Mech 8T5
Caprice Boisvert, Mech 9T3
Terry Borer, EngSci 0T0, Elec 0T5
Marion Breukelman, GeoEng 8T6
Milos Brkic, EngSci 8T9
Markus Bussmann, PhD MIE 0T0
Matthew Cabral, Comp 1T6
Robert Cairns, Elec 7T8
Raymond Chan, Ind 7T6
Joseph Chiang, Meng 0T5
Grace Choi, Chem 0T3
Tim Christie, Mech 0T2
Yan Cui, PhD Materials 1T1
Christopher E Daniel, Mech 9T6
Cecilia de la Rocha, Civil 9T3
Mark Dejmek, EngSci 9T3, MASc Mech IndE 9T7
Joel Dix, EngSci 8T2
Pierre Duez, EngSci 0T0, MASc 0T3
Márta Ecsedi, Civil 7T6
Mark Ewen, Mech 7T8
Rebecca Feldman, EngSci 0T3
Mary Fenn-Dunbar
Leslie D Ferguson, Civil 0T0
Matthew Frade, Ind 1T6
Wayne S Gibson, Civil 8T3
Joe Gilling, Mech 6T5
Monica Go, Biomed 0T1
Joanne Gonsalves, Civil 0T0, MEng Civil
Peter J. Goshulak, Mech 1T2, Biomed 1T4
Yuval Grinspun, Civil 0T0, MASc Civil 0T2
Laurence Gutcher, EngSci 9T0
Gail L. Hakala
Ross Henderson, EngSci 7T6
Michael Henry, Mech 7T6
Lauri Hiivala, Elec 6T5
Inga Hipsz, Mech 9T4, MASc Mech 9T6
Felicia Hsu, Comp 0T4
Stephen Hunter, Elec 7T7
Albert Huynh, Chem 1T3
Nick Iozzo, Elec 8T6
Stephen Jack, Mech 6T6
Ron Jamieson EngSci 7T4
Douglas Jardine, Chem 6T0
Andrew Kaminker, Civil 6T4
Siobhan Keogh, Ind 8T0
Thomas Keresztes, Chem 8T1
Henry Kneis, EngSci 8T5
Christopher S Langley, Aero ‘8T8, 0T1, 0T4
Jennifer Lee, Civil 0T8
Vincent S Lee, Comp 1T4
Joseph Charles Likuski, EngSci 8T2
Roman Litwinchuk
Sze Lo, Chem 7T1
Radhakrishnan Mahadevan
Anna Maste, Comp 0T0
Caleb McCready
David McMurtry, Mech 6T3
William P McReynolds, EngSci 5T8
Alec W McTavish, Elec 8T7, 9T0
Tom Meadowcroft, EngSci 8T8
Thomas A. Medal, Mech 1T6
Franco Minatel, Mech 8T6
Emily Moore
Jeffrey Moretti, Comp 0T6
Peter Nelson, Elec 7T9
Mark Nightingale, Civil 8T8
Scott A. Orr, Chem 1T4
Cemil (Jim) Otar, Mech 7T5, 8T1
Stephanie Overholt, Ind 0T3
Matthew Pagano, Civil 1T1
Cecilia Pang, Elec 0T9
Joseph Paradi, Chem 8T7
Alexander Perelgut, EngSci 1T7
Christopher Peressotti, EngSci 0T2
Roger Peterson, Civil 6T6
Catherine Phillips-Smith, Chem 1T3, 1T5
James F. Prendergast, Mech 8T5, 8T9
Kia Puhm, Comp 9T5
Matt Roorda, Civil 9T8, 0T5
Kathleen Roppel
Christopher W Roscoe, EngSci 0T7, Aero 0T9
Joseph F Schaffer, Chem 7T4
David Schenkel, EngSci 7T5
Dan Siegal, EngSci 0T1
Phillip Simmons, Chem 6T4, 6T5
C. Frederick Smale Mech 5T6
Leona Smith, Materials 0T8
Sandra Sousa, Elec 1T3
Fred Vaccari, Elec 7T3
Silvano Venuto, Mech 8T3
Lee Verhoeff, Civil 8T6
Tom Vosper
Brian Wachon, Mech 8T0
James Wells, EngSci 9T9
Kristin Wild, Mech 0T9
Peter Wills, Civil 1T2