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Urban Freight from a Community Lens

February 5, 2024 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

What do we want? Approaching urban freight from a community lens

CivMin Distinguished Lecture Series by Prof. Anne Goodchild, Civil & Environmental Engineering and the University of Washington

Monday, February 5, 2024 at 5 p.m.
University College UC179, 15 King’s College Circle
University of Toronto

Panel discussion to follow


While transportation planning has practiced community-engaged planning for many years, the practice is less well-established for freight projects.  Historically freight activity was associated with industrial and commercial landuses and the impacted communities largely considered to be freight-related businesses.  This oversight has for many years led to conflicts within neighborhoods proximal to significant industrial facilities.  Increased freight activity in residential neighborhoods due to the use of delivery services, exacerbates and expands the scale of problems created by the exclusion of neighborhood views on freight planning activities. In this talk Dr. Goodchild will detail the historic view of the “freight community” and mechanisms for freight community engagement.  She will also present community perspectives from survey results in the Seattle area.  This leads to recommendations as to how we can re-envision freight planning in support of more livable, engaged, communities.

Dr. Anne Goodchild leads the University of Washington’s academic and research efforts in the area of supply chain, logistics, and freight transportation. She is Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Founding Director of the Urban Freight Lab (UFL). Goodchild is an international expert in the area of public/private collaboration, and her approach to research has resulted in almost 100 novel publications. She is the recipient of the 2021 PacTrans Outstanding Researcher Award, the 2021 ITE Transportation Education Council Innovation in Education Award, the 2021 Transportation Research Board Urban Freight Commitee Best Practical Implications Paper award, and 2020 Outstanding Mentor award from the University of Washington’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and the Transportation Club of Seattle’s, 2017 Person of the Year.

Presented with 
Mobility Network 

Smart Freight Centre

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