Networking Is Valuable in Your Career!

Name: Michael Harrison | Program: Eng Phys – Electronic | Graduation Year: 5T2 |

If I knew how important networking was before I graduated I’d have done more.

March 1952 and I had neither the time nor the means to do a job search.  Fortunately companies in those days came to campus with offers.  I joined GE because it offered the “Electronic Training Program” patterned after our famous ”Power Program” for power engineer.

I should have networked with someone! We used to say: we did no electronics, there was no training and as far as we saw no program.  However the plant closed for two weeks in August and jobs were posted. I chose installation of the Audio transmitter at CBC TV on Jarvis Street.  When the Video team shut Audio down I went to TV studios to watch productions in rehearsal.  Our customer, Chief Transmitter Operator Jack Hawkins said “Mike you told me about your background in stage production (it included Skule Nite) why don’t you check with the Director in the TV Building and get a job here?”.  I did and worked on CBC’s Opening Night live TV drama Sept. 1 1952.

Every single change in my career from then over the next 43 years was due to networking BEFORE advancing!

My last job was as Dean of Business at BCIT, selected in part because our Business School included Operations, Administration, Marketing , Finance -and Broadcasting!

Michael Harrison