Skulemates really last a lifetime

Name: Stan Gasner | Program: Indy (MIE) | Graduation Year: 6T4 |

To the grad class of 2020,
I sincerely wish all the best to the class of 2020 from and on behalf of the class of 6T4 IE.
It is too bad that you will have missed out on the actual ceremony but you are making history in a new format. You can do it over again at your 50th when you get your gold pin.

I have three bits of advice:

1. Your classmates at Skule will be some of the best friends that you will ever have. Keep your connections over the years, keep in touch and continue to get together.
2. Keep away from Facebook, Twitter and the rest of the social medias. You can live without them. As a matter of fact, many did not live with them. They are continually misused, advising the world of such menial occurrences…We are much better without them…
3. Do not think that you know it all once you have graduated. We really learned at Skule how to think which may be the basis of your profession. Your first position will be the start of your actual learning. Listen and learn.

This is all what I would tell my younger self…