Posts Tagged: ECE
Undergraduate students can expect to attend approximately 1,440 lectures during their time at U of T Engineering. Although most will be informative, not all lectures will feature an inspiring talk by one of the Faculty’s most esteemed alumnae.
A handheld device and “talking stickers” are a University of Toronto startup’s strategy to improve the vocabulary and communication skills of children in impoverished communities.
Ottawa-based developer Lyon Sachs (IndE 4T9) has provided a generous $1-million gift to strengthen collaborations between U of T Engineering and Israel’s Technion Institute of Technology.
U of T Engineering alumnus Alex King (ElecE 3T5) returned to his alma mater on May 29 to attend the Chancellor's Circle Medal Ceremony. He was presented with a medal celebrating 80 years since his graduation — the only alumnus to receive the designation this year.
U of T electrical engineer David Zhitomirsky (ECE PhD 1T5) has won a Governor General’s Academic Gold Medal for 2015, one of just three awarded at the University of Toronto.
A professor and an alumna who has become a leading mining executive are among those honoured by this year’s Engineers Canada awards.
U of T Engineering awarded 11 faculty and staff for their continued pursuit of excellence. Recipients were recognized for their leadership, citizenship and innovation at the annual Celebrating Engineering Excellence reception.
These female U of T Engineering alumnae are making an impact on our world—from the outer reaches of the universe to the inner workings of the human brain. They are pushing boundaries and blazing a trail for generations of engineers to come.
Nymi CEO Karl Martin discusses the future of wearable technology with fellow alumni George Babu and David Schie at BizSkule in Palo Alto.
It began with the polar vortex of 2014. That’s when U of T Engineering alumni Jason Yakimovich (CompE 1T3 + PEY) and Alex Huang (ElecE 1T3 + PEY) developed the first intelligent heated base layer.
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