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Engineering Science Research Opportunities Program (ESROP)
Directing students onto the path of research.
The Engineering Science Research Opportunities Program (ESROP) is a student-driven initiative that enables Engineering Science students to spend the summer conducting research with either professors at U of T (ESROP – U of T), researchers at partner institutions around the world (ESROP – Global), or at other top-tier institutions such as Harvard, Berkley and MIT (ESROP – ExOp). After a highly competitive selection process, the fellowship awards students $3,000 to be matched by an equal contribution from their participating research group or supervising professor.
In the summer of 2019, nearly 50 students — 50 per cent more than in the previous year — went abroad with ESROP – Global to institutions such as Osaka University (Osaka, Japan), Technion (Haifa, Israel) and the Technical University of Darmstadt (Darmstadt, Germany).
To date, more than 250 recipients have participated in ESROP and gained first-hand experience conducting leading research across many diverse fields.

- EngSci students
Scott Sleeth
Engineering Science Curriculum Officer
Support Opportunties
$3,000 to support one student ESROP experience
Any amount to contribute to the general ESROP fund
Multi-year pledge to provide continued support for engineering students
Establish an endowment to support ESROPS in perpetuity ($87,000 endowment will support one ESROP experience a year in perpetuity)